Types of Winter Pest Infestation and Ways for Pest Control

Summer is the prime season for the pests, it is at this time that flies, mosquitoes, rats, etc, come out. It is then that pests come out, become active, and gather food from all over the place. Winter seems like the dormant period for the pests but is that really the case? The winter is an inactive period for the pests. With all the snow, cold, wet climate outside, it is normal for them to seek shelter and warmth inside.
It is then, that people start noticing activities within the house. Most of the pests go into hibernate and mostly you won’t find them disturbing the peace of the house, but there are some that can make things go wrong for you. Want to know more about the types of pests that can come to your house in the winter? Have a read!
Types of Winter Pests
Here is a list of a few pests that visit the house in search of warmth and shelter. Check them out and later you can find ways to pest control them in a simple way.
Cluster Fly
Just imagine a fly or two coming inside the house when each of the windows and ventilators is sealed shut. This could be an annoying experience, especially in winters. You need to hit your brain to understand how these pests got inside the house.
It is the summertime when you can get hit by the fly’s infestation. But during winters, they may come inside in search of warmth and a cozy feeling. A house with even a small bit of crack can attract flies to them. Stale, open food containers are one of the top sources for attracting pest problems in the house. To avoid it, you must keep all the openings closed. Also, discard the half-eaten fruits or stale vegetables in the right fashion.
Winged-carpenter Ants
Winged-carpenter ants are usually not seen as a good sign. You won’t expect to see one in the house during winter but what to do if you see them? They are quite a common sight in summers but that doesn’t mean that they cannot visit your place in winters. In case you come across even a single winged-carpenter ant in the house, then be sure that there is a nest somewhere inside the house. You can bring the pest exterminator to check out the nest and take care of them as soon as possible.
If you leave them to be during this time, then in summer they may come out in clusters and wreak havoc inside the house. Going to tackle the problem at that time will not only cost you a lot of energy but also a lot of money.
People often believe in a myth that rats and mice hibernate in winter. This may not be completely wrong, but this can’t be completely right as well. Rats come into our house in search of food or shelter. One can hardly spot rats scurrying around as they keep to themselves during the winter. But if you find these rodents in your house during the winter season, then you might as well believe that there is a nest in your house. It is not that tough to pinpoint their location if you keep a track of them.
In case, you notice rat infestation in your house, then first check if there is an opening that is letting them in. If you don’t find any, then you must call the pest exterminators for an inspection. They will be able to point out or track down their nest without delay. It is not smart to leave the rats inside the house during the winter season as that could lead to the destruction of the property and belongings.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs stay alive and are active all year round. They get inside the house once and if you let them stay there, it won’t take long for them to multiply. In winters, bed bug bites are a common thing as most people don’t even feel these bites at this time of the year. They stay hidden in the crevices and folds of the sheets and are hard to find. In that case, you need to bring in professionals who know how to deal with a bed bug infestation. You do this once and you may not have to face this torment.
Before the onset of the winter season, one must always the sheets are mattress covers under the sun for a while. This will help the bed bugs to leave the covers as they are quite sensitive to harsh lights. You must also spread baking soda on the cover as they are known to kill these pests effectively. People also drop neem leaves on the bed as it is said to keep bed bugs away.
Moth Fly
Diwali is the pseudo onset of the moth flies. They are usually small in size and don’t have much of a lifeline. Still, they tend to leave eggs and larvae in your pantry and holes in the silk clothes. Certain types of moths can be seen hovering over the open drains also. These pests may not cost you serious health issues, but it is sure to convert them into an unclean surrounding.
Hire Pest Control Services
Pests are a common phenomenon irrespective of the season or climate. One can try different DIYs but that may be a problem when you have one too many. At a time like this, one must have a master plan ready and that is to have pest control services take care of the pests. They will simply make things easier and you won’t have to devise a new plan for every other pest that may enter your house. In case of any doubts, you can call the pest control company in Ghaziabad and they will help clear them. Keeping things in check is a big thing. Try and make arrangements for the winter so that, they won’t come to trouble you and your family.