If you are feeling tired in the office, then do these 4 yoga asanas

Due to continuous work in the office, problems like tension and headache, and body pain often occur, to avoid them, you can practice these 4 yoga postures in the office.
Working in the office for 9 to 10 hours continuously affects both the mind and the body. You can take the help of yoga to get rid of headaches, fatigue, and stress while sitting in the office. And yoga not only works to keep you physically fit but its practice also gives you mental peace. In today’s hectic lifestyle, people are unable to find time for their fitness. In such a situation, when you work in the office for 9 hours a day, then many problems will have to be faced. If you are facing problems like tension, neck pain, or headache in the office, then you can practice some yoga asanas while sitting in the office to get rid of them. You can practice these 4 asanas to relieve stress and fatigue in the office.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana then you can add the Retreat for Depression.
Yoga practice in the office:
Everyone has to suffer from fatigue, body ache, and stress while working in the office. Because of this, our work is also affected. You can practice these yoga asanas in the office itself to avoid problems like fatigue, and mental stress in the body after working on a chair continuously.
1. Stretching
By doing stretching while sitting in the office, you can reduce fatigue and pain in the body throughout the day. And at the same time, it also improves the circulation of blood in your body. People who practice yoga or exercise regularly do stretching first. Stretches can also be taken to get rid of the pain in the muscles. If you do stretching regularly, then it benefits in reducing cholesterol in your body. Stretching is also beneficial in stiffness and pain in the body.
How to do stretching:
- To do stretching while sitting in the office, first of all, raise your arms upwards.
- Now bring both your hands above your head.
- Keep both hands crossed over the head.
- Now pull your body upwards from above the waist and emphasize the hands.
- Stretch the hands and the upper part of the body while drawing the breath into the stomach.
- Doing this 3 to 4 times will give you relief.
2. Chair Pose
You can practice office poses to get rid of problems like tension, headache, back pain, and body paint in the office. By practicing chair pose in the office, you will get rid of back pain and pain in the muscles of the legs. Its regular practice strengthens your waist, spinal bones, and legs. Chair Pose is also known as Utkatasana. Its practice is very beneficial for the spine, chest, and lower back. Regular practice of Utkatasana gives peace to both body and mind. Its practice is beneficial for reducing stress and tension in the office and getting rid of pain etc.
How to do Chair Pose:
- To practice Chair Pose or Utkatasana, stand from a chair.
- And now make a little distance between your two feet.
- Take both your hands towards the front and keep them straight.
- Now bring your waist in this position as if you are sitting on a chair.
- Remain in this position.
- After remaining in this position for some time, come back to a normal pose.
3. Garudasana or Eagle Pose
You can practice Garudasana or Eagle Pose to avoid fatigue and stress while working in the office. Garudasana is a Vinyasa-style posture whose practice benefits your shoulders, hips, upper back, and thighs by doing Karna. By doing Eagle Twist Pose, the pain in the muscles of your hands and shoulders also ends. Practicing this asana also gives you peace of mind. If you are feeling tired or stressed during work in the office, then practicing it is very beneficial for you. Garudasana has many benefits for physical and mental fitness.
How to do Garudasana:
- You can practice Garudasana or Eagle Pose in the office in two ways.
- The first is to practice the Eagle Twist Pose while sitting in your chair.
- For this, you have to bring both your hands forward.
- Now place your right hand on top of your left hand and wrap both the hands together.
- Now bring the hands in front and stay in this position for some time.
- To practice Eagle Pose in another way, stand on a flat surface.
- Place the left leg on the right leg and wrap them together.
- Stand on the toes and heels and then follow the procedure mentioned above for the hands.
4. Sukhasana
You can practice Sukhasana to reduce fatigue and stress due to continuous work in the office. Sukhasana is considered to be the most basic and easy yoga. You can easily practice this in the office. From the name of this asana, you can understand that the purpose of doing it is to attain peace and happiness. The practice of Sukhasana gives peace to your body and peace to your mind. Regular practice of Sukhasana straightens the spine and provides many other benefits. You can also practice Sukhasana while sitting on the ground or in your chair to get rid of stress and pain in the office.
If you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you can join a 100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.
Method of doing Sukhasan:
- To do Sukhasana, first of all, bend both your legs and sit on a cross.
- After sitting, place both your hands on your knees.
- During this, keep your spine straight.
- There should be no pressure on any place in this posture.