How to Purchase Art

Making the decision to purchase artwork may be a daunting task for those who aren’t knowledgeable about auctions, galleries, or even artists. If you’re thinking of building a collection of valuable art or just looking for something that would fit in with your decor, knowing more about the art world can assist you in making the right decision for your situation. If you research the kind of artwork you’re looking for and set a budget and purchase from the right source it will make purchasing artwork a less stressful procedure.
–Part1 Buying Art to Pleasure–
Create a budget that you can keep in mind when purchasing artwork.
Before you decide to purchase a piece of art, it’s important to figure out how much you’re willing to spend on it. Determine a price which you’re prepared to spend for art, and be prepared to pay slightly more to get a piece you love.
- This is particularly important when purchasing art during auctions since it’s very simple to be caught in the excitement and excitement of the auction and spend far more than you originally planned to.
Choose artwork that gives you an uplifting feeling.
Take a moment before the piece of art you’re considering buying. Think about whether you feel happy and nostalgic, soulful and thoughtful? If you’re feeling uneasy and uncomfortable or even angry when you see the art then you may not decide to display the artwork in your home. [2]
- Purchase work that you and people you live with love instead of work that you think your guests would appreciate.
Buy artwork locally to support local artists.
If you’re looking to purchase artwork for enjoyment You’re likely also keen on helping ensure that artists are capable of getting their work to the general public. Take a look at going to opening studios or art festivals, exhibitions, and boutiques and purchasing a piece of the artwork to help local artists.
- If possible, be a part of any studio visits local artists organize. These are opportunities for you to meet and chat with the artists in their studios. You can view the artwork they’ve produced recently or are developing, and provide them feedback.
- If you’re interested in art displayed in a cafe or restaurant, check whether it’s available for purchase.
Part 2: Buying artwork through Galleries and Auctions
Make a test run at an auction prior to actually taking part in one.
If you’re considering buying artwork through an auction for the first time, it’s possible to be swept up in the rapidity and excitement and become overwhelmed. Before attending an auction to purchase something make sure you don’t buy anything to be able to adjust to the pace and rhythm of it.
- If you’re looking to get an idea of the experience of taking part in an auction, you should consider attending an auction but don’t bid over a tiny amount (e.g. 10 dollars). In this way, you’ll be able to feel a taste of what it’s like taking advantage of auctions with no risks.
- It’s also a chance to meet people who purchase artwork in auctions. Ask them whether they have any advice for people who are new to the auction market.
Take part in auctions for art that fall within your budget.
The big auction houses such as Christie’s located in New York, tend to offer higher prices for the items that are auctioned off. If you’re on less money opt for smaller auction houses in the region that tend to have lower pricing.
- If you reside in a medium or small town, you might not know of auction houses within your region! Check on the internet on auction house listings in your city and then think about buying your items there.
- It is important to note that even if the size of an auction house may be small it doesn’t suggest that the objects being auctioned off don’t have to be worth the money.
Request a discount if you’re purchasing from an artist gallery you’ve not visited previously.
It is possible to pay a premium for art, and the price is often adjustable. Once you’ve compared prices at several art galleries, you’ll know what the piece is worth and be able to make an offer that you and the dealer each agree is reasonable.
- Galleries often lower the cost of an item for buyers who are first-time buyers who are looking to establish an association with them. Don’t be afraid to ask to lower the price!
- Be familiar with the gallery owners and ask other people about their work. You may learn from other customers who have bought artwork from a specific gallery that it’s expensive or has a number of hidden costs.