Travel and Leisure

How to cancel a flight on Southwest Airlines?

If you have a flight reservation with Southwest Airlines, but you are not able to take your reserved flight because of any personal issue and the server is down. You can cancel it as per your comfort. For that, you only need to visit the website. And by completing some details, you will be able to get all cancellation details in your hand.

The passengers who are looking for more assistance can continue with this article to know more information about the cancellation. And also here you will be able to know the procedure to complete your process of cancellation of Southwest Airlines cheap flights

The procedure is to cancel the flight on Southwest Airlines:

  • To initiate the procedure of the cancellation, Firstly you need to go to the website.
  • Here on the homepage of the website, you will get the option of “My booking” which you need to log in.
  • After filling in some details such as the reservation number and the last name, you will get your booking page on your screen.
  • On your booking page, you will get an option of “Manage my booking”, here you need to select the option of cancel flight.
  • Again you need to fill in cancellation details and you also need to give a reason for cancellation.
  • But if there’s any cancellation fee, then you need to proceed with the payment to make the payment of the cancellation.
  • At last, you will have all the confirmation details of the cancellation on your registered Email ID.

Book a flight at Southwest Airlines. If you purchase your tickets on this site, you’ll be helping Southwest continue to provide great low fares, but you’ll be connecting to a third-party site that is beyond Southwest’s control for ticketing purposes and southwest airlines is a leading airline in the united states.  Founded in 1966, it offers more nonstop flights to more cities than any other airline. The company is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has operating bases throughout the country. Book a flight and get vacation travel information. Our website is easy to use so you can book your flight and travel tomorrow.

Note:- For the refund, if your ticket is refundable and valid for the refund then after cancellation. You need to fill in the refund form. Also, you will get a link on the Email to fill in the details of the refund.

Well, by following the details which are described here, you will be able to complete the process of cancellation of Southwest Airlines cheap flights very smoothly. Still, if you are facing any issues to complete this process, you can contact the customer care person.

They will assist you in a very informative manner.  Here you need to take the number of customer care people from the contact section of the website. And make a call to them. Initially, you need to follow the IVR instructions to reach them. When you complete the process of IVR, you will connect with the customer care person, where you can go on with your queries.

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