Everything You Should Learn About Portugal

Portugal is still an undiscovered treasure when it comes to traveling throughout Europe It is often neglected by its close neighbor, Spain (the second-most popular destination worldwide). But, there are some distinct differences between these two countries, which help Portugal be recognized among the truly magical destinations to visit in the world.
To provide you with a better understanding of the unique charms and features of this fascinating country, we’ve gathered all you should learn about Portugal.
The Climate
On the surface, many people see Portugal for its ideal Mediterranean climate. There are however some noticeable influences that may take travelers off guard when they first enter Portugal.
Because of its position near the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea in the southern-western part of Europe, Portugal does indeed enjoy what many consider the ideal “not too hot, but warm, but not cold’ kind of climate throughout all. The average temperature for the northern part of Portugal is approximately 15 degrees Celsius (55degF) while the south gains a little up to around 18degC (64degF). The northern part of this country is the region with the highest amount of rainfall when in comparison in comparison to the south.
The Algarve locate in Portugal’s southernmost region of the Faro District is know across the continent as a paradise and has more sunshine than any other area across Europe.
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The Culture
Portugal was always a fervently Roman Catholic country, and there is a strong, close-knit family-based culture that is prevalent throughout the country that visitors will experience upon their arrival. The Portuguese culture has been in the hands of several diverse people throughout its history including the Celts, Vikings, Phoenicians, and Moors all of leaving their mark on the country until today.
Because of its position in being among the most sought-after destinations for tourists as well as the availability of TEFL-related jobs in other countries There is a wide range of quarters and one-third of the people living in Portugal can speak English at the level of a semi-fluent. Similar to many countries in which tourism is a most important aspect of their industry, English speakers are much more likely to reside in large cities such as Lisbon and Porto and tourist hotspots such as the Algarve while more rural areas where tourists aren’t as prevalent are more likely not to have the same understanding of the English language.
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The Portuguese culture is also define by its love for literature, arts, and music. Lisbon, Porto, and Guimaraes were all name to be European Capitals of Culture after the renaissance. That has swept Portugal over the last couple of decades. With virtually every town of Portugal having an area reserve for local art exhibits close to the town hall.
Fado along with folk and traditional music is omnipresent throughout Portugal. And its importance to the cultural life of the nation was emphasize in the three-day mourning period. That was set in the wake of Amalia Rodrigues’ (the “Queen of Fado) passing away in 1999. There are many different varieties of Fado throughout Portugal and nearly. Every town has one square (normally near an altar for religious services). Where you can find large-scale dances and performances.
Fun fact:
Portugal along with The United Kingdom holds the world record for the longest-running alliance in. The history of mankind by having agreed to the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty in 1373.
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Since almost everything that has to do with Portugal is so closely tie to its rich maritime history. And its numerous coastlines. It should come as no surprise that fish makes up an enormous portion of the food options in Portugal.
Bacalhau is salt Cod fish that is a staple of Portuguese food for centuries. Alongside other fish like lobster, sardines, shrimp as well as eels. Octopus dorado, and Robalo. This isn’t to suggest there aren’t other kinds of food that are popular. Though there is a huge demand for goat and pork, with both being eaten across the nation.
Bowls of olives are almost always on the table before the beginning of a meal. There are other common Mediterranean dishes like goats and eggs.
The cafe culture also is an integral aspect the Portuguese life. During the day, cafes are crowd with people drinking coffee reading magazines. Watching TVs hung on the walls to watch the latest soccer match. And generally using these spaces to socialize.