Health and Fitness

The Truth About Dental Implants

The truth about dental implants is that they’re not right for everyone, and they can be quite expensive. Many people are surprised to learn this as they’ve been told by their dentist that they should get dental implants because they’re the best way to replace missing teeth, or something similar to that. This may or may not be true; it really depends on your situation and the condition of your mouth.


Everything you should know before getting a dental implant

The first step is to understand that there are many different kinds of dental implants. Not all dental implants are created equal. There are different materials, shapes, and sizes. Finding a dentist who will guide you through these differences can help ensure that you receive treatment that is safe and effective for your unique circumstances. Of course it’s important to find a reputable dentist in your area. But don’t stop there. Contacting other dentists in your area may also be helpful because they can recommend local dentists with experience and training in implant dentistry — or they may themselves be qualified to do implants! The FDA has recently updated their recommendations on dental implant safety requirements, so make sure you’re getting treatment from a licensed professional who meets those standards.


Where to get dental implants

A good dentist will be able to determine whether a patient is a candidate for dental implants. If so, he or she can help you get started on your path to beautiful teeth by providing you with information about what steps are involved in obtaining them. The process typically involves taking impressions of your mouth and modeling them digitally (so your dentist can show you what it will look like once everything is done). You might also need X-rays or scans done in order to see how things line up. Other than that, there isn’t much more for you to do besides making regular visits back to your dentist for follow-ups and checkups. But hopefully that won’t be too often, since dental implants are more than worth it!


Types of dental implants available

There are two basic types of dental implants: osseointegrated implants and endosteal (or surface) implants. Osseointegrated dental implants are surgically implanted directly into your jawbone, with a metal framework anchoring them to your skull. Endosteal/surface dental implants—such as All-on-4®—are anchored to your jaw’s gum line using small metal screws. These dental implants were created for people who have enough bone structure to hold down an implant, but not enough bone volume for a traditional implant. They’re also more affordable and take less time in surgery than osseointegrated procedures.


Things to consider before getting implants

The cost of dental implants varies depending on your treatment. It may be possible to get a loan from your dentist or to use insurance to cover all or part of it. Getting dental implants can be incredibly expensive and many people just don’t have enough money for them. However, there are ways you can pay for them if you try hard enough. You could borrow money from friends or family and pay them back when you get a job (assuming they’re willing). You could also try getting a loan from somewhere else like a bank, credit union, etc.


How to take care of your new dental implants

It’s important to understand that you need to take care of your dental implants as well as you would any other teeth. Brush and floss them regularly and schedule regular dental checkups with your dentist. Avoid biting down on hard or sharp objects, and bring your dentist back any small pieces of food or bone fragments that become lodged in between or around your implants—you may have difficulty finding these on your own! You also need to be careful not to injure yourself when eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, etc. If one of your implant-supported teeth gets knocked out, don’t panic; simply rinse it off and put it back in its socket.


When will I be able to smile again?

Everybody smiles. Or at least, everybody is supposed to smile. But what happens when you lose your teeth or have a serious accident that leaves your mouth in shambles? If you don’t want to resort to dentures, you may consider dental implants, which are just as effective as their natural-looking counterparts and can allow patients to eat, speak and smile with confidence again. Here’s more information about dental implants and how they can help give back what you lost


What are the costs?

Guide to Finding a Dentist * Select a dentist from online reviews at sites like Angie’s List, Yelp or ZocDoc * Personal recommendations from friends and family are good. Bad personal recommendations are bad. Friends and family that do NOT have your best interests in mind should be treated with suspicion. If your loved ones are pushing for an inferior provider based on cost alone, it’s time to look elsewhere for advice – keep in mind that doing something cheaper is sometimes more expensive than it appears.


Resources for more information on dental implants

According to Cleveland Clinic, four steps are involved in dental implant surgery. 1) A rod is placed on either side of your jawbone. 2) The rod receives an attachment device that contains titanium screws and posts to which a replacement tooth will be anchored 3) The surrounding tissue is sculpted with a drill; artificial teeth are attached to your natural jawbone. 4) Implants are made out of metal and a plastic-like material and replace lost or damaged teeth. Consult with your doctor or dentist if you have any concerns about what’s right for you or would like additional information.

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