Quick Solutions to Improve Weak Wireless Network In Your Office

Have you been facing issues with your office wireless network?
There are many times when the system gets slow or breaks down temporarily. From simple crawling to web page browsing, dropped calls, delayed messages, and more, all such problems frustrate the employees. Furthermore, productivity hinders as performance reduces because of poor internet connection.
The reason can be anything like network carriers failing to deliver ideal services to the office locations and more. However, improved Wi-Fi connectivity is simply the need to handle all such hassles, especially in corporate offices. There is no permanent solution to fixing Wi-Fi network issues permanently. But you can implement various tips and tricks to ensure the network’s enhanced performance. Also, installing a mobile phone signal booster is the quick solution recommended by network specialists.
So, in this write-up, we will discuss the effective solutions you can try to improve the weak wireless signals throughout your office space.
Ways to Overcome Wireless Connectivity Issues in Your Office
Ensure Appropriate Router Placement
The router placement acts as a huge differentiator. Many office spaces have a wifi router installed in an equipment closet or the cabinets. These routers locked in the cabinets also shut away all the signal transmission sources. Thus, affecting the speed and connectivity interruptions.
All of this simply means the router must be installed at the office’s elevated place. Or you can place it in the facility’s central location. You can also walk around the establishment and discover the dead zones where the highest signal strength is required.
Simply put, take into account proper router placement to get broad and improved business Wi-Fi speed.
Upgrade Old Equipment
Checking how long it has been using the wifi access point is the next thing you can do. Corporate organizations typically deploy Wi-Fi systems and leave the infrastructure unaddressed for years. Hardware mostly stays functional but the equipment like routers comes with some life shelf and loses efficacy over time.
Hence, installing the new equipment can benefit in terms of advancing wireless technology. Strong signals can be sent from a router with numerous antennas, effectively overpowering dead zones. Furthermore, equipment requires an upgrade at least after 5 -6 years of its installation.
Install Signal Boosters or Place Additional Router
Some offices are large and built complicated. It simply makes it challenging for one router to transmit the required signals throughout the space. The signal strength will be poor depending on how farther it is located from the device requiring connectivity. Furthermore, the router’s antenna functions improperly when the building material is the culprit behind the signal blockage.
Here, the solution is to add transmitters to the wireless network infrastructure. Plus, installing a mobile phone signal booster can assure no more delayed calls or messages. It will assure the signal transmission across multiple locations and the devices in the dead zones. Installing the signal booster is advantageous, for instance, if the conference room has a poor signal. It will send the signal across the grounds or a sizable open area.
Antenna Replacement Can be the Solution
It may be a good idea to install an outdoor antenna if the office router depends on the interior one. It intends to deliver a strong signal. If your router hasn’t come along with the antennas, you can buy the external antenna separately.
You frequently have the choice between omnidirectional and directional antennas. Signals are sent in all directions by the Omni ones. The directional ones, on the other hand, only broadcast signals in a single direction. Here, choosing the omnidirectional ones is beneficial. It can make a huge difference in gaining the best possible network coverage.
Handle Bandwidth Needs
Bandwidth hassles do not only come from unauthorized access. Even the staff can download heavy files and stream videos in HD quality. Thus, not knowing that it may be hindering others’ wireless signal receiving capacity.
Here, skillfully adjusting the network settings make it easy to prioritize the specific devices and functionalities. This way, the business operations do not halt or there is no requirement for additional wireless resources. Also, make sure the non-essential tasks are kept a priority. Hence, no performance will lag.
Stay Sure About Wireless Network Security
Is your business located in a congested area? A weak signal can not be the reason for poor wireless performance each time. Unsecured Wi-Fi networks and access to non-employees cause the maximum use of bandwidth and deliver inconvenience to the actual employees. As a result, a weak signal and a slow connection are experienced.
For this, there are 2 solutions. One is to secure the wifi network. Keep the password strong so that strangers or unauthorized users can not identify it easily. Secondly, you can keep the access of guest wifi limited. This way the visitors visiting the office can online check their emails. Furthermore, they can not use the bandwidth to browse other resources that demand high internet usage.
Switch to Uncongested Channel
Configuring and switching to the best network carrier with less competition is the key. Wi-Fi has the default settings of choosing the same channel repeatedly. However, the different carriers trying to access one single network results in weak signal strength and interruptions. Such an issue usually occurs in offices having considerable architecture.
Therefore, the solution is to automatically reset the router. It will assist in choosing the channel with less congestion and promises to deliver full signal strength without any hurdles.
Most of the time, the router selects the channel appropriately. Signal congestion develops, though, if nearby wireless networks are using the same channel. Here, only the good router that is automatically set will help choose the channel with less congestion. But make sure you own the modern router installed in your office.
The signal strength of wireless systems can impact business efficiency and employee productivity. So, no matter whether your business is struggling with dead zones, poor area coverages, or consistent signal strength, installing a DAS antenna or signal boosters can be helpful.
Besides, you can connect with the specialists to get an idea of what is hindering the Wi-Fi connectivity in your office and how to boost it.
Thanks for Reading!!